Friday, September 5, 2008

The issue under discussion here is the certainty that the United States is being challenged both externally by militant Islam, and internally by the socialist movement. Today we hear the candidate of the Democratic Party acknowedge that we are in a war--but the enemy is a group of terrorists calling themselves Al Quaeda or Taliban or Hezbollah or whatever. That is either a direct attempt to avoid the facts or indicates ignorance of reaity. More accurately we hear the leader of the militants calling on Muslim youth around the world to rise up against the "West".
The Great Satan-America-as leader in the Western World must be destroyed before Islam can convert/conquer all non-believers and establish world peace under Allah. This is the goal of all Muslim Jihadists, and if the President of the United States does not comprehend the magnitude of this struggle, the citizens of this country wull pay a heavy price.

European socialism is being held up by the leadership of the Democratric Party as the model for a safe, secure, healthy and fully employed U.S. Please! Reality should not be ignored. Most Europen cities are sitting on the edge of riots from unemployed and unintegrated Muslim youths. Exactly the people being called to holy war as a religious duty by their Ulema (clergy).
European socialism does not solve either economic or cultural emergencies. Most Americans would not knowingly vote for a socialist form of government; but seem to be quite willing to support "change" without examining what that term includes. But "change" is very politically correct in our country these days. More on specifics tomorrow.

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